20 Times People Went Back to Their Ex and it Was Happily Ever After — & 20 Times it Was a Complete Disaster

Back With an Ex

There are definitely some cases where you break up with someone and that’s it for your romantic relationship.

Sometimes, though, there are some relationships that you can’t help but wonder if they’re worth revisiting.

These people all got back with their exes and shared their stories. Some went great while some put them right back at square one.

Why Did it Happen?

Sometimes, there’s nothing that happens to serve as a catalyst for you getting back together with your ex.

You don’t always run into them at a party or out on a shopping trip.

Why Did it Happen?

As for this person, they were just drawn to the idea of their ex as they waited for their kids at an airport.

It turned out that this phone call would change everything for the two of them and they weren’t even sure what led them to split up in the first place.

Quite a Tale

This person wasn’t sharing a story of their own ex — but of the relationship they watched play out between their parents. More than once, at that!

Quite a Tale

When it came to their first marriage, it fell apart and we doubt it’s for the rather brutal reason given at this Cheesecake Factory.

The two of them tried again later only to not work out once more. This person wasn’t about to deal with sorting things out after a third divorce.

Rushing and Trying Again

Living together is a big step for most couples. What if you fall for a roommate, though? That can really push the timeline along.

Some relationships just don’t survive that jump ahead in the usual timeline.

Rushing and Trying Again

It seems like that was only part of what was at play here. Yet, no one is “young and dumb” forever and a little growing up and some time apart was exactly what this relationship needed to get back on track.

With More Life Experience

As we said on the last point, there are some things that you don’t inherently know when you’re young that you need to learn before you can really succeed in love.

With More Life Experience

These two lovebirds found each other turning to exes when they were only two years into their marriage.

With both of them young, this person says they just weren’t ready yet. Meeting up later in life, though, they were older, wiser, and overall more communicative as a couple.